Here's what we have on this page.... First, there are search forms for four metasearch engines. What's a "metasearch" engine? It's one that lets you input a search, then goes out and asks other search engines to see what they can find. Then we have links to four Web sites with large lists of finding tools to explore -- many more than you find at this site. Finally, there are three links to sites with search engine hints, tips, tricks, news, and other information.
Metasearch Engines
This first one, Dogpile, is my favorite, despite its cr... uh... unusual name. Using metasearch engines usually doesn't give you the quality of searching that you can do when you use the individual engines. (For more about that, see the NAQ.) This one does the best job of any I've tried.
![]() | Dogpile Search |
Another one, called SuperSearch. You can use the form from here, but I'd suggest you try going to the SuperSearch III page to get a good look at how this one works.
Yet another one...
And one last one. This one does its metasearching on German search engines.
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Finding Tools Collections
There are dozens and dozens of finding tools of all types available at these three sites.
Hints, Tips and Information
The more you learn about how to use finding tools, the more effectively and efficiently you can use them. These three Web sites have tons of excellent information -- tips on using specific engines, how to pick the best engine(s) for your search, news from the world of searching, etc. They're well worth browsing!